With ARC Innovate™ Playbook, we will help you quick start your initiative
With ARC Innovate™ Playbook, we will help you accelerate progress and minimize delivery risks
With ARC Innovate™ Playbook, we will help you through the journey of delivering transformation
With ARC Innovate™ Playbook, we will help you minimize delivery risks
Enterprise Architecture
An enterprise architecture (EA) is a conceptual blueprint that defines the structure and operation of an organization both logical & physical. The intent of enterprise architecture is to determine how an organization can most effectively achieve its current and future objectives.
What EA can provide:
The goal of enterprise architecture are:
- Creating a unified IT environment (standardized hardware and software systems) across the firm.
- Promoting alignment, standardization, reuse of existing IT assets, and the sharing of common methods for project management and software development across the organization. The end result, theoretically, is that the enterprise architecture will make IT cheaper, more strategic, and more responsive.

Architecture Benefits

- Cost reduction and technology standardization
A cost-savings justification is the most tactical approach, and often brings significant return on investment (ROI). Within the larger strategy of cost savings, sub strategies focus on:
- technology standardization and efficiencies
- skills leverage and the potential for the retirement of aging and high-cost systems and platforms
- the reduction of technical risk and complexity are also benefits of this overall approach
- the keys to a successful justification are to specifically enumerate the costs to be saved as objectives, a demonstration of these savings as actual deliverables and showing them as the work of the architecture team. The key stakeholder for cost reduction is usually the IS organization.
- Process improvement
- the retirement of multiple parallel systems
- improving workflow over a given time, ease of use or profit opportunities
- creating single points of system entry that ease process flow
- increasing application integration among departmental systems to re-envision the links among applications and systems.

- Strategic differentiation
efforts toward moving the enterprise within its value network (your closest key customer segments) to the real-time enterprise (RTE). The key stakeholders are often corporate and strategic stakeholders. These architectural efforts are usually created to respond to or anticipate new business drivers, significant industry upheaval
new competitive pressures or major changes in the roles of key players in the value network
the enterprise senses that an investment in architecture pays off in new ways of thinking about the business, new customer segments and major new competitive strategies.
Architectural Deliveries
Enterprise Architecture services can provide a series of architectural deliveries for a customer, such as:
Recommendations for an alignment between the company strategy, business architecture and technology, strategy, architecture and roadmap
Illustration of the complete view of end –to-end connections, integrations, interfaces
Provide the whole logical & physical views of the existing applications, frameworks, databases, networking, security and performance
Recommend standards, methodology, process and governance

Training and implementation of SDLC, or Agile process and methodology
Solutions and tools for system monitoring, control, auditing, tracing and point of integration performance
Provide recommendations for modernization and rationalization of legacy application
Provide recommendations to support for the new acquisition, transformation and integration
Provide a guideline for a project manager to understand the clear division of labor and their roles, responsibilities and dependencies
Provide a blueprint document to illustrate the components and their relations at the customers facing cross the channels, the nature of their interactions with company services and products
Provide an illustration(s) of performance, availability, scalability, SLA and KPI
Our Success
25 years IT executive leadership experience in the following industries:
- Banking and Financial companies transition, modernization, strategy, architecture, delivery, cloud computing, analytics and big data
- Insurance, transition to the e-commerce, digital transformation for the Omni channels, Call Center, ATM and Branches
- Health Care modernization, rationalization and cost cutting, automation, standards, process and governance
- Telecommunication transitioning to innovation and implementation of Cloud computing, vitalization and automation
- Technology driven companies, leading transitioning to the cloud computing, provisioning and automation
- Security, bio metrics security, IAM, Smart Card, physical and logical devices
- E-Commerce, digitalization’s, and content management

Accomplished senior executive technology leader with a Ph.D. and 25 years of broad-deep based technology experience (CIO/CTO/SVP/VP/Director) at banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo & Credit Unions) Insurance (Nationwide Insurance), health care (Kaiser), Telecommunication (Cisco Systems ) and AT&T.
Together We Thrive
Together with our partners and alliances, we catalyze and scale holistic innovative business transformations, create partnerships that span sectors, and take risks others cannot to help improve communities and the global environment.